Add embeddable media to your site. The Embed API provides you with a tool to grow by adding media to your site. Give your users the content they are looking for. Use the Embed API to learn what your audience is viewing, sharing and interacting with online.
Embedly supports over 1000+ Content Providers. Our library of providers means your videos, photos, audio, and rich media deliver content correctly every time, across all platforms.
When your content runs through our Embed API, it plays on any device, any time. Let your viewers enjoy content from their tablets and phones.
Our integration capabilities with Player.js gives you full control on how and when you watch videos. Play, stop and pause when it works for you, not your computer.
Security as tight as it gets with SSL and XSS/Frames. API responses are delivered over a secure HTTPS connection and embeds served in an IFrame. Hacking, bad HTML and script injection won't break through these walls.
If you need help, or have a quick question, you've come to the right place. We're here to help you. Don't forget to check out the docs page and community forum as well.