Become an Embedly Provider

Thousands of sites use Embedly to embed content from hundreds of our providers. Would you like to be involved?

Embedly is a service that allows developers to convert URLs into rich previews and embeddable content. In order to do this, we rely on 3rd party APIs and meta data to map a URL to a piece of content. For every provider listed on our providers page we have taken the time to do a direct integration with the service.

In order to be added to Embedly's API you'll need to have embeddable content. We distribute images, videos, audio or any rich content served in an iframe. We do not distribute blog posts or marketing material. There is no cost to becoming a provider.

Embedly receives a number of these requests, so in order to serve you better, we ask that you make sure your Embed meets the following requirements.

  • The embed needs to be novel, in that it provides some functionality to the end user. i.e play a video, scroll through a Behance portfolio or view a slideshow.
  • Your URLs and pages must be crawlable server side.
  • The embed must be responsive and, at minimum, work between 280 and 800 pixels.
  • The embed must work over HTTPS.
  • If the embed is a video or audio embed, it must support Player.js and pass all tests.
  • Your site needs to support oEmbed as way for Embedly to reliable match a URL to a piece of content. Please test with our oEmbed validator before submitting, this will ensure you pass the basic requirement tests.
  • If your embed is an IFrame, you must accept a "referrer" parameter as part of the source. This allows Embedly to pass along the actual page your embed is on.
  • We do not accept script tag embeds. These embeds do not work via client side API requests and most of our customers will not accept them. Please use an iframe embed instead.
  • If your embed is not responsive by height or have a predictable height, you may optionally implement height control. Note: this will only work on sites that use Embedly javascript integration.
  • After your site is added as an Embedly provider you will write a short announcement to your users that your content is available through Embedly.

We reserve the right to decline adding any provider for any reason. These reasons could include adult content, videos that autoplay, or invalid HTML/Javascript.

If you have any questions about this process, please feel free to contact us.

I meet the requirements, let's continue!